Kids corner

beware of the hand eating snake and crocodile!

Few weeks ago on a very very rainy weekend,
kids asked can we and we said we can!
Could we make a hand eating crocodile or a snake?
Of course, but do you realise how long will that take?

So we cut the paper and mixed water with glue,
we paper mached and painted the snake blue,
the green crocodile was looking not so hot
so he ended up with red polka dot!

The kids had a great time, the paint was everywhere
but that's OK, they took it to school for show and share.
Mummy and daddy have decided after
there'll be no more paper mache and paint crafter!

At least for another year!

whats needed:
sticky tape
cut off plastic bottle( 1.25l soft drink works best)
PVA glue
poster paints and brushes

So start by cutting lots and lots of newspaper or kitchen paper towel

use newspaper to create a simple cone shape for your desired animal and before inserting the cut off plastic bottle stuff the cone with more newspaper to make it stronger and more rigid.

Insert the plastic bottle into the cone opening and secure by using sticky tape.
Add all the details, like the eyes and nostrils by scrunching up newspapers into a tight ball and sticky tape all in place, to add teeth and legs cut some from the cardboard and again tape in place.

Mix a little bit of water with PVA glue and paper mache the whole thing, making sure you cover all the nooks and crannies and let it dry thoroughly. When dry, use marker to mark eyes  and any designs you'd like to be painted different colour to the rest of the body.

Now for the fun part, paint using any colour your heart desires!

Green and red polka dot crocodile and Blue and green stripy snake

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